From Phx. take I-10 to Queen Creek Road head south to Maricopa. Contuniue south through the town of Maricopa on John Wayne Parkway to Clation Rd ( Clation Rd is1/2 mile before hiway Gila Bend Hi-way 84 ).
Turn right (west) on Clation Rd. for 1.9 miles at Tee in road. Turn left (south) on Amarillo Valley rd for 0 .9 miles to Wildwood Rd. Turn right (west) on Wildwood Rd, .continue 2.0 miles to Ralston Rd Turn left (south) on Ralstion Rd. continue 0.2 miles to Sotol Rd. Turn right (west) on Sotol Rd. Hidden Valley Stables is on right 500 feet.